September 2015 - Cylindo

Monthly Archives: September 2015

5 Visual Content Headaches – And How To Get Rid Of Them

By | Furniture Viewer, News, Online retail | No Comments
visual content

Great product visualization is invaluable, but it’s also easier said than done

Furniture retailers and manufacturers all agree images are important. Images fill in the gaps left by product descriptions and they are a great support in many different sales situations.

During tradeshows, like High Point Market and Las Vegas Market, images support the manufacturers’ efforts to convince retailers to buy. Catalogues, tear sheets, digital images of various formats, all help products stay top of mind after the retailer has left the showroom or booth.

On all other days of the year, images play a massive role in the lives of every furniture retailer out there. Without images websites would be incredibly boring, not to mention virtually useless. We know upwards 80% of consumers research online before deciding where to shop, imagine how many would choose the store that didn’t display any images on the website! Read More